Pesticides Directly Correlated With Increased ADHD Cases in Children | Health Freedom Alliance

Pesticides Directly Correlated With Increased ADHD Cases in Children | Health Freedom Alliance.

Pesticides Directly Correlated With Increased ADHD Cases in Children

Submitted by Lois Rain on September 18, 2011

A large new study linked a compound found in pesticides, solvents, and plastics to increased ADHD in children. Most pesticides, herbicides and mny solvents and plasticizers use organophospates as the basis, which shut down enzymes crucial to the nervous system.

The highest amount of pesticides are right on our dinner plates. The research confirms that organic is the way to go to ensure that unborn and young children aren’t likely to develop ADHD. Dr. Phil Landrigan of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York said, “ It’s been shown that people who switch to an organic diet knock down the levels of pesticide by-products in their urine by 85 to 90 percent.” (Read Full Article)

~Health Freedoms

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